By Niamh Greer, Ellie Kim and Adelaid Seigworth
Art by Keelin McKiernan

Once upon a childhood
I had a secret place
Where I would go with my brother, talking face to face
In the bush of hardwood
Where we never stood
In our secret hideout, there was plenty of space
We could be ourselves, we didn’t keep a straight face
Life was all good
Holly grew into the house
So we had to cut her down
Remnants of all life were gone, even the life of a mouse
Growing out of childhood was a real put-down
Devoid of all life like a dollhouse
Until grass sprouted up and made a new, mini town
Ellie, Adaelaid, Keelin, and Niamh are all eighth graders at North Hills Middle School. This poem and associated artwork won Special Merit in the Plant Love Story Challenge hosted by the Phipps Conservatory and Botanic Gardens.
Congratulations to the team from your friends at Plant Love Stories!
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