by Ambreen Salah

I always knew this elegant, graceful, colossal beauty in my courtyard would be my companion for life. Since the time I handled my senses, I remember climbing her branches and eating her juicy sweet fruits. All these years, this lady has watched me through thick and thin, through my sorrow and joy but I somehow forgot to pamper her in return.
I remember during Ramadan we would pluck her ripe ovaries to make fruit salads. We also made thick paste out of her beautiful leaves for beauty purposes.
As the legend goes, my great grandmother planted this green with her own hands and little did she know that her coming generations would ignore her heirloom.
In her days of glory, we took every possible advantage of her but now in her fumbling days we choose to ignore her. Sometimes, thinking we could save her from monkeys, we shot pebbles with a slingshot to hush them.
Today, sitting in my veranda watching squirrels dance on her strong hardy branches, I thank her for giving me memories to cherish for life. Now by amending my negligent attitude and taking her under my wing, I sometimes think squirrels and monkeys might think I’m odd, as I chatter with her all day long.
Ambreen Salah is 28 years old working as a Biology Lecturer in one of the reputed colleges in India. Ambreen completed her Masters (Botany) in 2016. Follow Ambreen on Instagram at @thegreensong.28.